Wednesday, October 12, 2011

ET Item 8: Public Domain Theology

Theological thinking/ writing belong not just to individual thinkers/ writers, but to the intuitional well of cosmic insights inspired and transmitted from generation to generation.

All humanity, all life subsists in the common Amniotic Waters of Cosmic Authenticity. While there are conventional claims of copyright, they should work to stimulate creativity, not stifle it, and redound to common wellbeing. For this reason, the godtalkonline writings here are meant to be open, for general discussion and use, in religious/ civil circles.

The natural avenues of grace belong to all and should have the respect of all.

Friday, October 7, 2011

ET Item7: Equality of Persons

Human beings in common are agents and outcomes of evolution. This is true also in terms of being “religious” agents and outcomes.

As a distinction of interpersonal relationship, religion pertains to moral sense and responsibility. Just as the word religion roots in two (Latin) words, religere (to read, study) and religare (to bind, oblige), and supposes intelligence and obligation, so the distinction of interpersonal relationship supposes intelligence and obligation, gift and task.

“Doing” religion like “doing” theology is equally the prerogative and obligation of every person. Institutions (churches) “do” religion and theology “secondarily;” individual persons do them “primarily.”

Evolution Theology is about owning religious intelligence and obligating moral relationship, not letting them be subsumed by institutions but authenticating institutions by maintaining personal ownership of them.